
Sander ten Brinke is currently working at Arcady as a Lead Software Engineer. Arcady is a Dutch IT consultancy firm based in Zwolle, The Netherlands.

In December 2022 Sander received a Microsoft MVP award for the Developer Technologies category! The MVP award can be described as follows:

The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft.

Sander is a highly skilled software engineer with a passion for cutting-edge technologies. He is an expert in .NET and Azure, and has extensive experience with DevOps and modern web development practices such as Angular, React, and Vue. He has also worked with AWS, further expanding his cloud expertise. With Sander on your team, you can be confident that your projects will be built professionally using best practices, and deployed with the utmost efficiency and security.

He also has experience with building apps with Xamarin and .NET MAUI and knows how to build games with Unity. Also, he has experience with other programming languages like Python, PHP and Java but doesn’t use these often.

For more information about Sander’s experience, take a look at his LinkedIn profile.

Sander also has a passion for public speaking, blogging and podcasting. Take a look at his Speaking or Podcasts page for more information about his speaking experiences or the Blog page for his various blog posts.

He always stays up to date with all new technology and loves sharing his knowledge with everyone! You can find him on Twitter, Stack Overflow or the .NET Slack group quite often!

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Want to get in touch with me because you would like me to speak at your event, be a guest on your podcast or you simply have a question or whatever else? You can contact me in the following ways: